Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Religon and the Miltary

The other day (it was Sunday) I was driving home and noticed the lack of colors, that usually floods the streets of Logan. The colors were replaced by solders wearing white shirts and ties marching to a drum beat that I have never been able to hear. The religious soldiers were all going to the same place, moving almost step for step in unison. It reminded me of machines, a thoughtless body marching and never asking why, or where they were going. Well, to Heaven I guess, while the rest of us will go on living and withstanding their attempts to turn us into copies.
Ironically, the other day (it was Sunday) I was reclining at my house, in Sandy, when my younger brother waltzed through the door bragging about how wonderful the military is. He told a story about being forced to make his bed four times until he got it perfect. He continued to tell me about marching and how if you step out of line well... Jesus had it easy. The most amazing part of his entire story was the transformation I witnessed inside of him. He use to think for himself, but now he has turned into a thoughtless body marching and never asking why or where he is going to end up. Heaven I guess, while the rest of us will still be living our lives.
I strongly believe that religion and the military are bureaucracies that were created for specific functions, but both create an externality that is unacceptable for me, and if you read this blog should probably be unacceptable for you. That externality is the stealing of individualism. The coercion to turn all that is infected with their ideology into a conforming, thoughtless citizen. Think for Yourself, don't let others or groups tell you how to live or feel.

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