Thursday, March 27, 2008

Perfect Start to My B-Day

I step outside to smoke a birthday cigarette. I know they will kill me, but why not? its my birthday. Its 12:08 A.M. I was born later that day some 22 years ago. As I sit patiently smoking, watching the rain my brain turns on. What the Hell, I haven't heard from that bastard for awhile. I'm listening to goodbye's echoed off the apartment walls from nearby girls leaving their boyfriends apartment. I hear car engines turn over, back out, and leave to some unknown destination. The Rain trickles and that smell of being clean drowns out my cigarette. At that moment nothing matters. I am there as an observer, nothing more. Every person, car, railing, chair, everything was exactly were it needed to be. It was a moment of bliss. A moment that has come and gone numerous times in my life. But I always hope it will visit me one more time. You never know when it will come, but when it does you know it has to leave. I thought about many things that night, but after awhile I was tired. I wrestled my way out of the chair and went inside... 22 yrs ago I was born...

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